Batch #48 is in!

#48’s now in stock.  You will notice that the distribution of strains is much more balanced towards sales then it has been. There is no Malay or Banjar in this batch, but there is more super green. The green ranah in this batch is more like the earlier #45 and #46, but still not quite as stimulating as those were. The color is brighter, and it is lighter and fluffier like the earlier ones.

One mystery with the ranah been solved anyway. The reason the yellow ranah was named yellow instead of red is because there is a third ranah, a red veined fermented version made from the same leaves as the yellow. Technically they should both be called red ranah, but the idea of calling one of them yellow is to avoid confusion between the two of them. We now have all three in stock. To keep confusion to a minimum we’re leaving the name of the yellow ranah the same as it was and listing the new one as red ranah. It would be more accurate to call the yellow one red ranah and the new one fermented red ranah though. The new fermented red ranah reminds me a great deal of the old red dragon if anyone still remembers. It is a very bright brick color with a nice mellow feel.

I did whole post on it a while ago here, and nothings changed. Shipping delays are still very much happening regularly. It is by no means effecting every order, but it’s significant enough amount of them to keep mentioning it. Order early. At this point it’s not uncommon for orders to arrive up to a full week late. There’s way too many to resend every order that’s a couple days late, and up to now every single one has arrived eventually. So just take it into account when ordering that it might be there in 2-3 days, or this could be the time you get unlucky. They are all showing up though, and most of the time it’s only by a couple days late.