Batch #56 is in!

Restock is in and up. It’s another decent size one. #55 was a fairly large shipment and #56 is almost as big. It’s a complete restock. So, all strains are in. We haven’t had it long. So we still have a lot of sampling to do, but it seems good.

A word on shipping delays.  USPS is back to “normal” since the disastrous delays last month. Unfortunately, the new normal is even worse than it was last year in March when the pandemic started. They’ve gone downhill since the start of the year. We’re seeing more delays, packages taking detours while in transit, and mis-deliveries then ever. Most packages do make it by their estimated delivery date, but a higher percent of them than should be don’t. To be clear we can’t’ guarantee delivery times.  We will of course as always make sure you eventually get your order no matter what, but we can’t say when.

UPS has been much better than USPS with shipping delays. They come with their own problems though. Besides the obvious one being higher price, they’re regular shipping time is slower to most places, and they don’t take shipments on weekends. Even if we manage to get it to them the order will just sit there until Monday when they start processing.  What they’re doing right though is they recover much faster than USPS from unexpected circumstances. Like last month when the highways through the lower middle of the country were unpassable, and literally nothing was moving. It took UPS days to get back to normal when it took USPS two weeks to start straightening things out. Plus UPS managed to keep up with the ones that didn’t need to go through the impacted areas. Just something to think about if we start seeing massive shipping delays again.

New stock is listed! This batch should last a while.


Treasure House Botanicals

Ben & Lindsay