Likely Hurricane Closure!

We’re expecting to get hit with by hurricane Henri on Sunday 22nd into Monday the 23rd. If it continues its current course, it will be the worst hurricane we’ve gotten here in 30 years.  As of right now on the 19th we’re expecting that we’re going to at the minimum be closed on Monday and likely Tuesday. The local power company is anticipating that at least 50% of Connecticut will be without power for 5-10 days. So, it’s very possible we might be closed for a long time. Of course, the hurricane is still 700 miles and 48 hours away. Things could very well change, and we might not get hit that bad. Definitely, expect us to be closed for shipping on Monday and Tuesday.  The second we can start shipping orders again we will and will of course post to let people know we’re open. It’s kind of a wait and see how bad it is matter right now. It could very well be over a week before we’re open!

Also, for those that don’t know the AKA was successful in forcing the FDA to reopen the comment period for the proposed international kratom ban. If you haven’t already commented, you can comment here: on the AKA site. Every comment matters! Even just taking the time to write “Don’t ban kratom” matters! There’s plenty of info out there about the situation on the AKA site and elsewhere. Please make sure to comment!

We’ll give an update on the likely storm track tomorrow night!

Thanks –

Treasure House Botanicals,

Ben & Lindsay